Deadpool & Wolverine (2024): The Epic Ending Explained

Deadpool & Wolverine Ending Explained

Hey there, movie fans! If you’ve just watched the latest Marvel blockbuster ‘Deadpool & Wolverine’ and are wondering what the heck happened in that wild ending, you’ve come to the right place. In this blog post, we’re going to dive deep into the climax and resolution of this hilarious, action-packed buddy comedy.

But first, a big fat SPOILER WARNING! If you haven’t seen the movie yet, turn back now or prepare to have the surprises ruined. You’ve been warned!

Alright, let’s get into it. The ending of ‘Deadpool & Wolverine’ is a lot to unpack, so we’ll break it down piece by piece. Here’s what goes down:

The Final Battle Against Cassandra Nova

After spending most of the movie trying to escape the Void (a kind of purgatory for pruned Marvel characters) and stop the villainous Mr. Paradox from destroying Deadpool’s timeline, our wisecracking heroes finally come face to face with the true Big Bad: Cassandra Nova.

In the comics, Cassandra is the evil psychic twin sister of Charles Xavier. But in this movie, she’s reimagined as a tyrannical ruler of the Void who was banished there as a baby by the Time Variance Authority (TVA).

Cassandra has used Mr. Paradox to access his timeline-destroying Time Ripper device. Her evil plan is to obliterate all of existence except the Void, making her the supreme ruler of, well, everything.

Deadpool and Wolverine have to battle through Cassandra’s army, which includes an especially unhinged group called the Deadpool Corps – yep, an entire squad of Deadpool variants. It’s as chaotic and funny as it sounds.

But things take a serious turn when the guys learn the only way to stop Cassandra is to destroy the Time Ripper’s mechanisms – a move that will kill anyone still inside the chamber. Even immortal mutants like them.

The Sacrifice Play

Faced with a universe-ending threat, Wolverine is ready to lay down his life to save the world(s). It would be a heroic end to his very long life.

But in classic Deadpool fashion, Wade steals Logan’s thunder and locks himself in the chamber to destroy the device solo. Wolverine won’t let his buddy hog all the glory though, so he busts in and the two frenemies prepare to go out in a blaze of glory together.

Sniff It’s actually a pretty touching moment. These two have spent the whole movie bickering and one-upping each other, but in the end, they’re willing to die for each other and the greater good.

The Not-So-Shocking Survival

Of course, this is a comic book movie, so you know our heroes aren’t going to stay dead. I mean, the Deadpool and Wolverine franchises are way too profitable for that.

Still, the movie does try to fake us out for a minute. After Deadpool and Wolverine destroy the Time Ripper and vaporize Cassandra Nova (yay!), it seems like they’ve been vaporized too.

A TVA agent named Hunter B-15 (played by Wunmi Mosaku, reprising her role from ‘Loki’) shows up to the scene and Mr. Paradox tries to take credit for saving the day. Dude just can’t stop lying.

But surprise! Deadpool and Wolverine are alive and ready to call out Paradox’s B.S. Apparently, their combined regenerative abilities were enough to survive the Time Ripper blast. Convenient, but we’ll go with it.

Deadpool’s old pal Peter (Rob Delaney) also arrives just in time to back up their story and spark a cute meet-cute with Hunter B-15. Maybe we’ll see that awkward romance play out in a future movie/show.

Anywho, the upshot is that Deadpool and Wolverine are pardoned for their timeline crimes, Paradox is hauled off to TVA jail, and everyone is happy. Well, almost everyone…

A Not-So-Happy Reunion

Earlier in the movie, Deadpool made a big deal about rescuing Wolverine’s daughter/clone Laura (aka X-23) from the Void. He thought reuniting them would be his good deed of the century.

But in a darkly hilarious twist, it turns out Laura was way happier in the Void than she ever was with Logan. She’s furious that Deadpool “saved” her and wants nothing to do with her neglectful dad. Yikes.

It’s an unexpectedly real moment in a mostly wacky movie. Even Deadpool and Wolverine’s healing powers can’t fix their broken family relationships. Heavy stuff, but the movie doesn’t dwell on it for too long.

Setting Up The Next Chapter

In the end, Deadpool decides to give domestic bliss another shot with his long-suffering girlfriend Vanessa (Morena Baccarin). Here’s hoping they can make it work this time around.

As for Wolverine, he’s still got a lot of baggage to sort out. But he seems to have found a new sense of purpose (and maybe a new home) fighting alongside Deadpool to protect the multiverse.

The movie leaves things open-ended for the duo’s next adventure. Will they join forces with the Avengers to battle Kang in ‘Secret Wars’? Will they keep getting into R-rated hijinks in their own corner of the MCU? Only time (and Kevin Feige) will tell.

One thing’s for sure: Hugh Jackman and Ryan Reynolds have crackling buddy comedy chemistry that’s a joy to watch. Here’s hoping we get to see more of it soon.

The Requisite Post-Credits Scene

Oh, and we can’t forget about the post-credits stinger. In a scene that’s sure to launch a thousand fan theories, we see Deadpool cradled in the arms of a weeping Thor (Chris Hemsworth).

Is Deadpool dying? Is Thor mourning him? Is it all a fake-out? The movie offers zero context for this glimpse of the future, so feel free to wildly speculate.

Personally, I think Deadpool just faked his death to mess with Thor and make him realize how much he cares. That seems on brand for Wade’s warped sense of friendship. But I’ve been wrong before!

The Bottom Line

‘Deadpool & Wolverine’ is a super-sized, super-meta superhero romp that isn’t afraid to poke fun at itself and its own genre. The ending delivers big laughs, big action, and even a few genuine emotional beats.

But more than anything, it feels like a send-off (and maybe a bit of a middle finger) to the old 20th Century Fox ‘X-Men’ movies. It’s a way of folding those non-MCU characters and storylines into the new multiverse sandbox, while also letting them go out on their own irreverent terms.

In other words, it’s the most Deadpool ending possible. And that’s a win in my book.

So what did you think of the ‘Deadpool & Wolverine’ ending and the movie overall? Do you want to see Ryan Reynolds and Hugh Jackman team up again? And what do you make of that cryptic post-credits scene? Sound off in the comments below!


  • Deadpool and Wolverine battle Cassandra Nova and her army (including an evil Deadpool Corps) in the Void.
  • They sacrifice themselves to destroy the timeline-erasing Time Ripper device and kill Cassandra.
  • Psych! They survive thanks to their mega healing powers.
  • The guys are pardoned by the TVA and Wolverine’s daughter/clone Laura is pissed about being “rescued” from the Void.
  • Deadpool reunites with Vanessa and Wolverine finds new purpose as Wade’s reluctant crimefighting pal.
  • Post-credits scene shows Thor weeping over Deadpool’s maybe-dead body.
  • It’s a funny, action-packed ending that closes the book on the Fox ‘X-Men’ era and sets the stage for Deadpool and Wolverine’s next big MCU adventure.

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