The Complicated Bromance of Deadpool and Wolverine: From Frenemies to Reluctant Allies

Deadpool and Wolverine

Deadpool and Wolverine. Two of the most iconic anti-heroes in the Marvel universe. Both products of the shadowy Weapon X program that gave them their superhuman abilities. Both known for their razor-sharp claws, regenerative healing factors, and even sharper wit. But while these two have a lot in common, their relationship has been anything but smooth. Over the years, they’ve gone from trying to kill each other to reluctantly saving each other’s lives to forming one of the most dysfunctional yet endearing friendships in comics.

As Hugh Jackman’s Wolverine is set to make his grand return alongside Ryan Reynolds’ Deadpool in the upcoming Deadpool 3 movie, let’s take a deep dive into the wild history between these two unkillable smart-asses. Buckle up, because it’s one hell of a ride.

When Deadpool Met Wolverine (AKA The Worst First Date Ever)

Believe it or not, Deadpool and Wolverine’s first encounter in the comics was not exactly a meet-cute. In fact, it was more like a meet-stab.

It all went down in Wolverine #88 way back in 1994. Deadpool, who was a full-on villain at this point, was on a rampage trying to hunt down a dude named Garrison Kane. Why? Because he thought Kane stole his girlfriend (ah, classic Wade). Wolverine stepped in to protect his buddy Kane, and, well, things escalated quickly.

After some quippy banter, Deadpool straight-up stabbed Wolverine through the chest with both katanas. Ouch. Not exactly a great start to a beautiful friendship. The two healing factor-powered mercenaries proceeded to slice and dice each other in an epic, bloody battle that ended with Deadpool tossing a grenade as he fled the scene. Again, worst first date ever.

But this was just the beginning of a long, complicated, and weirdly endearing relationship…

Weapon X Marks the Spot

So what exactly is the deal with Deadpool and Wolverine both being tied to the Weapon X program? Well, buckle up, because it’s a doozy.

As any X-Men fan knows, Wolverine was the original Weapon X guinea pig. The shady government operation grafted the unbreakable metal adamantium to his skeleton and claws, making him into the ultimate killing machine.

Years later, when Deadpool got cancer, he was desperate for a cure. So he volunteered for the Weapon X knockoff program, which promised to heal him by giving him a superhuman healing factor. Surprise, surprise, they actually just tortured him and turned him into a disfigured mercenary. But hey, at least the cancer couldn’t kill him anymore?

The kicker? They didn’t cook up a new healing power for Deadpool. They straight-up gave him Wolverine’s healing factor. That’s right, Weapon X literally put the essence of Wolverine into Deadpool.

So while these two may not be blood related, they’re basically healing factor eskimo brothers. No wonder they have such a weird love-hate dynamic.

Deadpool: Wolverine Fanboy?

For a guy who literally got stabbed by Wolverine the first time they met, Deadpool sure does spend a lot of time fanboying over everyone’s favorite adamantium-clawed mutant.

In Deadpool #27, Wade had a full-on mental breakdown and started hallucinating that he was fighting Wolverine. Apparently, getting his ass kicked by his idol was his twisted way of therapizing himself. The issue even had Deadpool breaking the fourth wall to gush about how much he loves Wolverine. And this is while he’s getting slashed to ribbons, mind you.

Then there was the time Deadpool got a hold of a time machine and used it to go back and prevent Wolverine’s death. Yes, really. In the Deadpool: The End one-shot, Wade reveals that he’s been hopping through time over and over again, sacrificing himself in increasingly ridiculous ways to save Wolverine’s life. Talk about a die-hard fan.

But perhaps the ultimate display of Deadpool’s Wolverine worship came in Wolverines #13-15. After Wolverine’s death (yes, he actually died for a while there), Deadpool put on a Wolverine costume and went around pretending to be him to help people in need. It was equal parts touching and deeply unhinged, which is pretty much Deadpool’s whole deal.

For all their fights and differences, it’s clear that beneath the wisecracking, Deadpool has a deep respect and affection for his clawed counterpart. Even if he expresses it in the most Deadpool way possible.

The Ol’ Switcheroo

One of the most bizarre chapters in the Deadpool-Wolverine saga came in Wolverine #37-38. In this unforgettable storyline, the two anti-heroes found their minds swapped into each other’s bodies. Freaky Friday, eat your heart out.

Naturally, chaos ensued as Deadpool gleefully abused Wolverine’s body while Logan was stuck stewing in Wade’s cancer-ridden, disfigured form. Deadpool took the opportunity to hit on everyone in sight, eat junk food nonstop, and generally make Wolverine look like a jackass. Meanwhile, Wolverine had to put up with the constant pain and voices in Deadpool’s head, giving him a newfound empathy for his frenemy’s day-to-day struggles.

In the end, they worked together to get their minds back where they belonged. But not before Deadpool-in-Wolverine’s-body slept with Logan’s girlfriend at the time, which he decided not to tell him about. Yikes. That’s one awkward conversation waiting to happen.

This storyline may have been played for laughs, but it actually provided a lot of insight into how Deadpool and Wolverine view each other. Deadpool envies Wolverine’s popularity and respect, while Wolverine gained a new understanding of the pain and instability Deadpool lives with. It brought them closer in a weird way, even if Wolverine wanted to strangle Deadpool the whole time.

Reluctant Teammates, Unlikely Friends

For all their bickering and stabbing, Deadpool and Wolverine have teamed up to save the world more times than they’d probably care to admit.

Their most notable partnership was as part of the black-ops X-Force team. Led by Wolverine, this squad of mutant assassins took on the dirtiest, most dangerous missions to protect mutantkind. And Deadpool, of all people, became the team’s moral compass.

Yes, you read that right. Deadpool was the voice of reason. When the team was faced with tough calls like killing a child clone of Apocalypse, Deadpool was the one arguing against it. He even took in and mentored another wayward Apocalypse clone, becoming a sort of murder daddy to the kid.

Through their time in X-Force, Deadpool and Wolverine developed a true respect for each other. They may never stop taking jabs at each other (both verbal and literal), but they’ve got each other’s backs when it counts.

More recently, the two teamed up again on the mutant island nation of Krakoa. Wolverine vouched for Deadpool to join the X-Force team there, despite the fact that Wade isn’t actually a mutant. Even though he constantly roasts Deadpool, it’s clear Wolverine has come to trust him as both a teammate and a friend.

Why It Works

On paper, Deadpool and Wolverine’s friendship makes about as much sense as pineapple on pizza. Wolverine is a gruff, no-nonsense warrior, while Deadpool is a zany, fourth-wall-breaking goofball. Logan is a samurai, Wade is a merc with a mouth. Wolverine wants to be left alone, Deadpool never shuts up.

But it’s their differences that make their dynamic so compelling. They’re polar opposites, but they understand each other on a deep level because of their shared trauma and abilities. Wolverine may act annoyed by Deadpool’s antics, but he gets him in a way few others do. And Deadpool clearly looks up to Wolverine, even as he’s roasting him.

There’s a begrudging affection between these two that shines through in every interaction. Whether they’re fighting side by side or fighting each other, there’s always an undercurrent of respect and understanding. They’re the ultimate frenemies.

It’s also just really fun to watch these two play off each other. Their banter is the stuff of legend, with Deadpool’s zany quips bouncing off Wolverine’s deadpan snark. Every conversation is a battle of wits, and it’s a joy to see who will come out on top.

At the end of the day, Deadpool and Wolverine’s relationship works because it feels real. It’s messy, complicated, and full of ups and downs, just like any long-term friendship. They may not always like each other, but there’s a bond there that can’t be broken, forged by shared pain and a whole lot of stabbing.

The Future of the Deadpool-Wolverine Bromance

With Wolverine set to slash his way back into the MCU in Deadpool 3, the next chapter of this fan-favorite duo’s story is about to be written. And if the comics are any indication, we’re in for a wild ride.

The movie has a lot to live up to in terms of capturing Deadpool and Wolverine’s unique dynamic. We need to see that perfect blend of antagonism and affection, the barbed banter and begrudging teamwork. But with Ryan Reynolds and Hugh Jackman reprising their iconic roles, it’s safe to say we’re in good hands.

The big question is how the film will handle Wolverine’s return from the dead. Will it pick up from Logan, or will it use some time travel or multiverse shenanigans to bring a younger version of the character into the mix? And how will Deadpool react to seeing his old frenemy again after all this time?

One thing’s for sure: there will be quips, and there will be blood. Deadpool and Wolverine’s reunion is guaranteed to be a violent, hilarious, and oddly heartwarming affair. They’ll probably try to kill each other at least once for old times’ sake.

But beyond the stab-happy hijinks, the movie has a chance to really dive into what makes Deadpool and Wolverine’s relationship so special. To show the depth of their bond, the way they understand and accept each other despite their many, many differences. It’s a friendship that’s stood the test of time, and it deserves to be celebrated on the big screen.

No matter what the future holds, one thing will always be true: Deadpool and Wolverine are the ultimate frenemies. They may stab each other in the face as often as they team up to save the world, but that’s just how they show their love. And honestly? We wouldn’t have it any other way.

So here’s to Deadpool and Wolverine, the dysfunctional heart of the X-Men universe. May their knives stay sharp, their quips stay cutting, and their weird little friendship keep on keeping on. Because let’s face it: comics just wouldn’t be the same without the Merc with a Mouth and the Ol’ Canucklehead stabbing their way into our hearts.

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